Overstock for sale: Rivets

Added on: 2020-02-10 19:12:13
Country of origin: Czech Republic
Overstock category: Rivets
Status: Active

In the disposal of the fasteners warehouse, we found a greater quantity of steel rivets. These are rivets of various diameters and lengths. Rivets are usually in original boxes with description. They were manufactured in Šroubárna Žatec and probably purchased in Ferona Praha in recent decades. For these rivets we can no longer find use in our current production. Therefore, we ask you if you would like to buy these rivets. The price would be determined by our mutual agreement and would be rather symbolic.

Attached file:

Company contact

KOVO Věšín, s.r.o.
Věšín 232
262 43, Věšín

Tel: +420 774 665 521