ENTO Železiarstvo, s.r.o.
Turbínová 1
Bratislava, 831 04
Operation of the network 6 hardware shops - the sale of installation materials, tools and fittings, fasteners, anchoring techniques ...
BRAMMER Slovakia, s.r.o.
Cesta do Rudiny 1098
Kysucké Nové Mesto, 024 01
Distribution of mechanical transmission, distribution equipment, supplies, tools, equipment for transport ...
SG FIX SK, a.s.
Priemyselná 9050/1
Myjava, 907 01
Sales: general fastening systems, fasteners on wooden structures and fittings, RAWL - heavy anchor, chemical anchor, the isolation of flat ...
AVC - ZTS, a.s.
Vysoká nad Kysucou 1287
Vysoká nad Kysucou, 023 55
Small and medium serial production of components for cars, building and agricultural machines ...
B.A.Z.A., spol. s r.o.
Včelárska 1
Prievidza, 971 01
Wholesale of fasteners (bolts, nuts, washers, wood screws universal), sale of spare parts for the mining industry (knives combine machinery ...
fischer SK s.r.o.
Vajnorská 134/A
Bratislava, 831 04
Predaj, distribúcia, poradenská činnosť v rámci kotviacej, upevňovacej techniky a ďalšieho sortimentu zameraného na stavebníctvo ...
Hilti Slovakia spol. s r.o.
Galvaniho 7
Bratislava, 851 01
Trade: hammer and accessories, combined with hammers, demolition hammers with the program, knives, drills, hammer drills, screwdrivers, angle grinders, slotting ...
IMP KONTAKT, spol. s r.o.
Ferdiša Kostku 1
Bratislava, 841 05
Standardised parts and components for machines and jigs - guiding rails, handles, control wheels, clamping levers, spring pins, plugs and ...
Galvaniho 8
Bratislava, 831 04
Trade with fasteners, components for the manufacture and installation of ventilation equipment ...
Kovo Bohunka, výrobné družstvo
Korytnická 324, Biely Potok
Ružomberok, 034 03
Výroba kovových častí záhradného nábytku; výroba kovových nôh lavíc a stolov (pivných súprav); kovových kostier skladacích stoličiek a stolov; dielcov ...