Ukazuji výsledky 21-30 z 66

ENTO Železiarstvo, s.r.o.

Turbínová 1
Bratislava, 831 04

Operation of the network 6 hardware shops - the sale of installation materials, tools and fittings, fasteners, anchoring techniques ...

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BRAMMER Slovakia, s.r.o.

Cesta do Rudiny 1098
Kysucké Nové Mesto, 024 01

Distribution of mechanical transmission, distribution equipment, supplies, tools, equipment for transport ...

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SG FIX SK, a.s.

Priemyselná 9050/1
Myjava, 907 01

Sales: general fastening systems, fasteners on wooden structures and fittings, RAWL - heavy anchor, chemical anchor, the isolation of flat ...

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AVC - ZTS, a.s.

Vysoká nad Kysucou 1287
Vysoká nad Kysucou, 023 55

Small and medium serial production of components for cars, building and agricultural machines ...

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B.A.Z.A., spol. s r.o.

Včelárska 1
Prievidza, 971 01

Wholesale of fasteners (bolts, nuts, washers, wood screws universal), sale of spare parts for the mining industry (knives combine machinery ...

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fischer SK s.r.o.

Vajnorská 134/A
Bratislava, 831 04

Predaj, distribúcia, poradenská činnosť v rámci kotviacej, upevňovacej techniky a ďalšieho sortimentu zameraného na stavebníctvo ...

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Hilti Slovakia spol. s r.o.

Galvaniho 7
Bratislava, 851 01

Trade: hammer and accessories, combined with hammers, demolition hammers with the program, knives, drills, hammer drills, screwdrivers, angle grinders, slotting ...

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IMP KONTAKT, spol. s r.o.

Ferdiša Kostku 1
Bratislava, 841 05

Standardised parts and components for machines and jigs - guiding rails, handles, control wheels, clamping levers, spring pins, plugs and ...

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Galvaniho 8
Bratislava, 831 04

Trade with fasteners, components for the manufacture and installation of ventilation equipment ...

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Kovo Bohunka, výrobné družstvo

Korytnická 324, Biely Potok
Ružomberok, 034 03

Výroba kovových častí záhradného nábytku; výroba kovových nôh lavíc a stolov (pivných súprav); kovových kostier skladacích stoličiek a stolov; dielcov ...

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