BÖLLHOFF, s.r.o.

Palouky 1365
253 01 Hostivice, Czech Republic
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Palouky 1365
253 01 Hostivice, Czech Republic
Distribution: screws, fasteners and fastening parts, anchoring technology for engineering and construction, supply by the company ECOSIT (KANBAN), supplies technologies for joining sheet metal Rivclinch, Rivset, rychlošroubováky feeder, riveting tools Böllhoff, thread inserts Helicoil bolts, screws, accessories, fixing equipment Deliveries fastening technology, screws. Bolts Head Cap applying force - Allen bolts and screws with hexagon hexabulárem, locking screws, pan head screws. Head screws with external action of the force - hex bolts, lock screws, screw plugs. Direct screw-fitting - Thread-forming screws, construction screws, screw-fitting directly into the plastic. Special screws - T screws, thumb screws, set screws with slot. Nut - locking nuts, cage nuts, hex nuts. Washers - NORD-LOCK washers, washers, retaining rings. Anchors - fastening technology..
Website | http://www.boellhoff.cz |
Tax ID | CZ45241163 |
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